Database “Proteomics of malignant cells” Multimodal database “Proteomics of malignant cells” ( currently contains seventeen interconnected information modules; each includes proteomic and biomedical data on proteins of the...

Group of bioanalytical systems

...Alexander E. Urusov Head of the Group Ph.D. (Chemistry) INBI, build.1, room. 333 +7 (495) 954 28 04 Key words: Быстрый иммуноанализ, тест-полоски, иммунобиохимия, наночастицы, иммунохроматография, внелабораторная...

Group of Experimental Mycology

...Extremophiles. 2020. V. 24. P. 391–401. Kozlova M. V., Ianutsevich E.A., Danilova O.A., Kamzolkina O. V., Tereshina V.M. Lipids and soluble carbohydrates in the mycelium and ascomata of alkaliphilic...